The ocean and the drop

The ocean and the drop
The ocean and the drop

The ocean and the drop

All souls are one
And invited to become
Infinite and eternal

Their consciousness
Experience and state
Are different

A human existance
Grounded in race, language
Culture and traditions

Gross, subtle and mental bodies
Shadows of our soul
Only a few souls are concious
of Self

Gross, subtle and mental speres
Shadows of the Over Soul
Only a few souls are concious
Of Over Soul

Gross, subtle and mental planes
Are zero, imagination and vacant dreams
Only a few souls are beyond
The mental planes

Binded or free

Your senses translate the gross body
Seeing smelling and hearing belong to the subtle body
And seeing divine is the mental body

Infinite power, knowledge and bliss
Have no impressions
in the gross, subtle and mental
Bodies, spheres and planes

The consciousness of the soul
Is absorbed in the Over Soul

When the soul experiences
the Over Soul wIth its Self
It experiences the Real with reality

The infinite, eternal, formless soul
Finds itself
As finite, mortal, having form

The experience of
happiness, mysery
Vice and virtue

Experiences of the shadows
Successive impressions
Ignorant, not knowing

Limitations, self created

The ocean and the drop
The ocean and the drop

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By Fleeky One

Welcome... My name is Fleeky, mascotte of Mlaure and favorite pet of many!

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