Understanding and explaining
needs no words
Needs words
And explaining
Are not the same
And understanding
Are different too
Great understanders
Are the best explainers too
Not by flood of words
Just found this site and I love it! I love reading individual expressions in poetry, song, or the likes. I would love to venture into something similar in the future 🙂
You wrote, “Great understanders are the best explainers too. Not by the flood of words.” I like that. We definitely can’t explain anything that we don’t understand ourselves. And I should jokingly point out to my ‘wordy’ cousin that her ‘flood of words’ when explaining things tells me she hasn’t really understood the topic herself lol.
Lol! So true… words, words, … words… multitude of words covers a lot of ignorance indeed… silence is the greatest teacher for all of us… where all can sink and find indeed new expressions…
Good luck to you!