The reason for the season

Let there be Light
Let there be Light

The reason for the season


Politic correctness

A new word
That means

No feelings
No opinion
No conscience

Steaming us up
For a new world
At whom’s orders ?

Wake up
before it is too late
You are not a robot

Happy birthday Jesus!

Let there be Light
Let there be Light not just lights…
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By Mlaure

Mlaure... yes. Just me and my self. Enjoy! Share, like and comment. Thank you!


  1. Wake up
    before it is too late
    You are not a robot

    What a powerful words! We, as society, are funny these days: we tend to be apathetic for the happenings around us. At the same time, we keep complaining of what’s wrong and how changes are necessary. Well, for real changes to happen, we have to wake up and start taking actions!

  2. You have truly enlightened us all and given a self awakening call here because you have told all the messages all in full strum. I really fancy this a lot especially how powerful the message is within very little lines. Great one you have shared especially addressing the society for a reawakening in line with Christmas.

  3. Yes politics is cruel!

    Through the hands of people who claim to be the people’s representatives. They make rules and laws for their own benefits.

    And it is true, the people must wake up and stop all the atrocities committed by them. We are not robots, we are humans. And humans can give opinions!

    However, is holding a demonstration an effective way against politicians?

    What if you had to deal with snipers who didn’t hesitate to kill you anytime?

    1. That would be really terrible and having a family, I would hesitate to expose my family indeed… being alone, it would be different. … hence many revolutions and demands for change are started by students, and crushed without mercy by undemocratic regimes. They are the real heros!  And shame on those who kill their own!

  4. Happy birthday to Jesus. I love this poem you have written here. Truly so many thing happen without us knowing and some people are just there being wicked to each other and neglecting the fact that someone once came to take our sins away and still we go on coming more and not even be thankful for that which have been done for us.

  5. Hello Mlaure, thanks for that rather provocative poem.

    I was just in a discussion about political correctness yesterday, and though I’m not a poet in any way, I still have opinions on the subject. Most recently I’ve thought about the “war on Christmas” that has supposedly taken place. Though it really isn’t a war at all, there have been changes in some places where we don’t use the word Christmas anymore.

    Like you said, we are not robots. They’re just words and we are the ones who actually put the weight behind them.

    Anyways sorry for the rambling, and thanks for the great poem.

  6. Its always surprising how some people tend to forget the main reason and purpose for celebrating this season, the merriment and preparations are always overrated even than understanding that Jesus is the reason for celebration. I like the poetic form you’ve used here, i enjoyed reading through and I’ve gained from it.

  7. Hey Mlaure, Thanks for sharing POLITIC CORRECTNESS.

    Wake up, before it is too late, You are not a robot

    Very sweet word for me and for all I think. Very sweet poem on the birthday of Jesus. You word are giving a powerful message to all. Thank you for sharing such amazing words. 

    Happy birthday Juses from my family.


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