Time is relative

Time is relative
Time is relative

Time is relative

Time is relative
My time shortens a lot

Days come and go
Months unfold and roll up
Years open and close
And time seems running riot

You can only solve the equation
With dimensions

One point
Two points
Three points

Going back
Or going forth
The present contains all
A fractal point

Time is relative. You are your own reference on a cosmic scale, the event horizon as they say.
I am

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Time does not exist. Does it?

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By Mlaure

Mlaure... yes. Just me and my self. Enjoy! Share, like and comment. Thank you!

1 comment

  1. “A fractal” a shape made of parts similar to the whole in some way.
    ” Poetry” : Imagination’s dancing of an idea from a current sensibility

    Fractal Poetry: Expressions of a resonant bell sending light.

    I am moved by Time is Relative. Though short is life, eternal it’s meaning…Shine Brilliant

    David R.

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