
Backdrops - Variety - Cross


A letter…

“To all my old friends and some new ones (who may have already received this)… and are on my “send future poems” list:

Several new people have recently asked me where they can find my poems and I’ve compiled a lengthy list of those who have so graciously published them on their web sites.

Since I’ve not had the time to send out poems to you all on a regular basis, I’m including the list here.
It sure has grown since most of you first started writing to me.
Hope you enjoy some of the poems that the Lord has put on my heart, and if you have time, please visit some of them.
The webmasters who did all the work creating the beautiful pages are such a blessing to me.
I just do the writing…they do all the work.


angel blessingI share your sorrow

Poems are also sent out regularly through IBGN newsletters, Shelter’s Prayer Digest & Newsletter, and several others, and one has been read on a TV program in Massachusetts that was devoted to “Relay for Life”. It is a relay they have ach year in our community for survivors of cancer. The TV station is a local access channel. It’s name is WCT which stands for Ware Community Television. It has no call letters. The program reaches about 30,000 people. The producer of the show, “Pioneer Valley and You” will be using more poems later.

And to think, years ago, I had to be persuaded to send my poems into Christian magazines (many were published in these magazines, newspapers and books) because I didn’t think anything I’d written was worth anything. Now I know…it was not what I had done…but what God was doing through me to bless His people.
May God get all the glory He so richly deserves!!!

I do hope you will check out some of the sites and let the webmasters
know I sent you and what you think of their graphics/sound, etc. I know they will appreciate it too.

With blessings, Dotty

Backdrops - Variety - Cross
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By Mlaure

Mlaure... yes. Just me and my self. Enjoy! Share, like and comment. Thank you!

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