Fearsome fear

Fearsome fear
Free interpreation from Edvard Munch's The Scream

Fearsome fear

Fear holds us back too often

Fear for the unknown
Fear for success / failure

Fear is a bad advisor
Better ignore
And go for it

Unless justified
You do not jump
Into a ravin

Do you?


Do not delay your greatness

Do not fear!

Fearful fear
Free interpreation from Edvard Munch’s The Scream

A good book

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By Mlaure

Mlaure... yes. Just me and my self. Enjoy! Share, like and comment. Thank you!


  1. So true! Fear is our worst enemy. Feeling fear is normal. We’re human beings after all. The problem comes when we let those fear take control of our lives.

    I must admit I’ve let fear dominate me and prevent me from doing a lot of things. I regret that, but I’m sure there is always a second opportunity.

    We’re greater than our fears. Getting rid of them is not an easy task, but it’s worth it.

    Thanks for inspiring and motivating us.

    1. Fearsome fear indeed… emprisonning us … thank you for sharing Enrique…
      just know that fear can also protect us… in many ways…

      We better gauge the risks…

      Have an awesome day!


  2. More than once, when being anxious, I have been paralyzed by fear. So in ocasions, I avoid anything that triggers my fears. I may even make elaborate excuses and put off handling anything that produces anxiety. But I have come to a point in my life where I have been telling myself: What’s the point in being afraid? I know there are things we do need to fear. But those things that aren’t worth being afraid of, should not hold us back.

    1. Hi An!

      Fearsome fears indeed! 
      We all have them, and most of the time unjustified…
      When we dig deeper, we can find the source of our fears, burried in our past and seek remedy.
      Flee, fight or freeze is our reaction… as where we should simply acknowledge and let go.

      Easier said than done…
      Thank you for sharing some experience


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