Bamboo Bliss


Bamboo Bliss

The new wood!

The hollow stems

Pictures mlaure
Video made with Canva 
Music depositphotos

How to get rid of proliferating bamboo

Some information that can help:

  1. Cut the bamboo down to the ground regularly: Cut the bamboo down to the ground every two to three years to prevent it from growing too tall and spreading too far.
  2. Install physical barriers: Install a barrier around the bamboo to prevent it from spreading. The barrier should be at least 2 feet deep and made of a material such as concrete or metal.
  3. Use herbicides: You can use a systemic herbicide, such as glyphosate, to kill the roots of the bamboo. However, be sure to read the instructions carefully and use gloves and protective clothing when applying the herbicide. (Not my option)
  4. Pull it up: If you only have a small area of bamboo, you can physically remove it by digging it up, including all of the roots. This is a time-consuming process but effective in the long run.
  5. Hire a professional: If you have a large area of bamboo that you are unable to remove on your own, consider hiring a professional to remove it for you.

Note: Before attempting any of these methods, it’s important to check if the species of bamboo you’re dealing with is considered invasive in your area. If it is, removing it may be necessary to prevent it from spreading to other areas.


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The new wood!

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By Fleeky One

Welcome... My name is Fleeky, mascotte of Mlaure and favorite pet of many!

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